Exception occured while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Satellite Symposia and Workshops

Applications for 2022 Satellite Symposia in Nashville will be opening this spring.

Satellite symposia provide an opportunity for industry supporters to share epilepsy-related expertise through sponsored education. Programs must be educational and not promotional.

Please note:

  • Programs may not duplicate any educational content offered at the AES Annual Meeting. For reference, HERE is a list of education session titles for AES 2022.
  • Industry-sponsored education may offer CME/CE from a third-party accreditor, but CME/CE is not required. AES does not accredit or jointly provide industry satellite education.
  • Applications for industry-sponsored education will be reviewed by the AES Council on Education. Accepted applications must meet AES education standards for industry-sponsored education. See the criteria in the guidelines below.
  • If more applications are submitted than slots are available, the Council on Education will select the symposia it judges to have the greatest educational value to attendees.


Acceptable Formats

Acceptable educational formats for industry satellite education may be a symposium or workshop that includes presentations by speakers, panel discussions, films, video presentations, and hands-on activities for learners. If your symposium is set with banquet-style seating, the maximum number of attendees in an AES 2022 satellite symposium is approximately 180. The actual capacity will be dependent on the type of seating you choose for the room you are assigned. In-person symposia typically draw 100 to 200 attendees, though AES does not make any guarantees for attendance. You are responsible for generating your audience.


Application Process and Guidelines


A non-refundable application fee of $500 must accompany the completed application.

Industry Satellite Symposium Fee Information:

  • Symposium of three hours or less: $32,000, in addition to the $500 nonrefundable application fee
  • Symposium of more than three hours: $32,000 plus $10,000 per hour or portion of an hour over three hours, including breaks, in addition to a $500 nonrefundable application fee
  • If your application is accepted, the designated contact will receive a letter of agreement (LOA) that must be signed by an authorized company representative and returned to AES by the deadline provided by AES. If the signed LOA is not received by this date, AES reserves the right to reassign the date/time slot.

Process and Deadlines

Proposals must include:

  • Symposium title
  • Overview/description
  • Learning objectives
  • Needs assessment
  • Agenda, including speakers and their affiliations
  • First, second, and third choice for the time and location of your proposed session


Review Criteria

  • Degree of objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor. The symposium proposal will NOT be accepted if it is judged to be promotional rather than educational
  • Extent to which the proposal meets the educational needs of AES members
  • Extent to which the proposal DOES NOT duplicate educational content of the AES Annual Meeting
  • Extent to which the proposal complements the overall educational content of the AES Annual Meeting


The industry-sponsored education review process is designed to ensure that the accepted symposium meets the learning needs of AES members, presents a variety of topics, and must not duplicate the educational content of the AES Annual Meeting.


Industry Satellite Symposium Availability

The following dates and times are available for industry-sponsored satellite symposia:

  • Friday, December 2: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Sunday, December 4: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Monday, December 5: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


If your proposed symposium exceeds three hours, please contact Justin Searle at jsearle@aesnet.org or call 312-883-3800 x116 to discuss your plans and needs.


On-demand Access

Live streaming of satellite symposia is not available at AES 2022. Satellite symposia sponsors may record their symposium. AES will announce details of access to its on-demand platform by June 1.

The sponsoring company is responsible for payment of any charges incurred relative to the symposium inclusive of, but not limited to, audio-visual equipment and service, internet service, recording service, etc. All companies must use the AES-approved audio-visual vendor, IMS Technology Services, for any audiovisual needs. A rough estimate of the cost of recording your symposium is in the range of $29,500. 


Generating an Audience

Sponsoring companies whose applications are accepted are responsible for generating their own audience(s). AES will support the promotion of each industry satellite education event as outlined below, with specifics provided in the individual LOAs.

AES will:

  • Provide a postal mailing list of registrants for the meeting as of the early bird deadline, which will be sent to the contact of record. Use of this list will be subject to standing AES policy for mailing list use.
  • List specific information about the satellite symposium in the printed program book, on the AES website, and in the mobile app.
  • Provide a complimentary black and white full-page advertisement in the printed program book. AES does not allow the complementary black and white ad to be upgraded to a larger ad or to a four-color ad by paying the differential, though additional advertisements in the program book may be purchased to further support the event.
  • Offer outreach opportunities for purchase by sponsors of satellite symposia, including sleeping room door drops and on-site print and digital advertising. Details will be posted by June 1. Note that the number of insertions for the Saturday shared door drop is limited to 20 and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Provide signage in a high-traffic area of the meeting, listing industry satellite education events with dates, times, and locations.