
Ten-Year Study on the Structural and Clinical Profile of Private Video-Electroencephalography Service in São Paulo-SP

Abstract number : 3.163
Submission category : 3. Neurophysiology / 3G. Computational Analysis & Modeling of EEG
Year : 2018
Submission ID : 502347
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/3/2018 1:55:12 PM
Published date : Nov 5, 2018, 18:00 PM

Authors :
Andréa Estevo, Hospital Sírio Libanês; Sarah Diva Rodrigues, Hospital Sírio Libanês; Eliana Garzon, Hospital Sírio Libanês; and Luciana M. Inuzuka Nakaharada, Hospital Sírio Libanês

Rationale: The Video-Electroencephalography test (VEEG) plays a very important role in the diagnosis of epileptic syndromes, pre-surgical evaluation of seizures and differential diagnosis of epileptic crises. This test requires specialized staff and physical infrastructure. This work has as purpose to report the experience of the VEEG service of the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital-SP (Hospital Sírio Libanês-SP) and establish a structural and clinical profile, reporting information that may verify relevant aspects of such kind of service. Methods: Sírio Libanês hospital database research Results: The VEEG service of the Hospital Sírio Libanês has a structure of 2 fixed beds and 1 rotating bed, the support of a diagnostic service such as nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, multidisciplinary professionals: nursing, nutritionist, pharmacist, neurophysiologist doctors. The study retrospectively evaluated 774 consecutive patient admissions, from 2005 to 2015, showing that 52% stayed in the unit for 24hs, 70% were kids, in 61% the VEEG was made for diagnostic purposes, 53% of male sex, 87% were using anti-seizure drugs, 94% the VEEG were no invasive, 6% of the VEEG were invasive, 14% used spect ictal, 60% of the VEEG experienced seizures, 52% of cases with focal seizure, 29% of the temporal lobe, 31% were asymptomatic, 5% with pseudo crisis, 1% of the patients had complications such as fractures, psychotic crises and status epilepticus. Conclusions: The VEEG service showed to be very complex, since many patients were children, with many clinical conditions, the most of which presenting epileptic crises with the suspension of anti-seizure drugs and status epilepticus risk. The clinical profile of the private service has its peculiarities such as a greater indication of the test for diagnostic purposes. The trained team of nurses and neurophysiologists is extremely important to optimize the diagnosis and early recognition of crises and to avoid complications. Funding: Hospital Sírio Libanês