
A Male Case of Dissocial Personality Disorder Who Experienced a Convulsion Due to High Amount of Psycotropic Drugs

Abstract number : 2.426
Submission category : 18. Case Studies
Year : 2019
Submission ID : 2421868
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/8/2019 4:04:48 PM
Published date : Nov 25, 2019, 12:14 PM

Authors :
Bunnoshin Ishikawa, Hotoku-kai Utsunomiya Hospital; Mitsuo Suzuki, Hotoku-kai Utsunomiya Hospital; Masae Ishikawa, Hotoku-kai Utsunomiya Hospita; Motoko Ishikawa, Hotoku-kai Utsunomiya Hospital; Masaaki Nakamura, u_hosp_comp_dept@yahoo.co.jp; Hajime Harad

Rationale: We will report a male case of dissocial personality disorder who took high amount of psychotropic agents and experienced a convulsive attack. When he was referred to our hospital because of violent and troublesome behaviors, he was at late forties. We obtained his consent for this presentation.  Methods: We carefully observed and cared her. Results: His parents divorced when he was in the first grade of junior high school. After he dropped out of high school, he was arrested because of perpetrating blackmails and assaults, and he was put into costody in a reformatory.  Although he was allowed to return back to the society, he changed jobs and moved frequently.  His sister married a gang member.  He himself became a member of a gang group.  He developed a morbid personality without nurturing love and ethics at home.  He is characterized by a lack of affection, impulsivity, and apathy, resulting in abnormal feelings, intentions, and drive.  He drinks heavily for a long time and was diagnosed as alcoholism.Until late forties, he was caught in prison 4 times because he committed various crimes including illegal usage of stimulants  When he was in early forties, he visited psychiatric clinic to receive treatment for insomnia.  Then, he took over-dosage amount of psychotropic agents prescribed for him, resulting in a convulsive attack.  At late forties, he was reffered to our psychiatric hospital because of violent and troublesome behaviors.  And, he was admitted compulsively in a inpatient ward.On examinations at admission, the EEG showed a slight abnormality with frequent transient patterns in the frontal and central regions.  The brain CT revealed no abnormality.  Conclusions: We wish to have a discussion regarding the effect of slight EEG abnormality on the behavior problems.  Funding: No funding
Case Studies