Abstract number :
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Presentation date :
12/6/2003 12:00:00 AM
Published date :
Dec 1, 2003, 06:00 AM
Authors :
Traci D. Swink, Tammi L. Timmler, Karen J. Weatherford, Kevin H. Ruggles Neurology, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI; Nutritional Services, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI; Neurology, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI; Neurology, Marshfield Clinic, Mar
The ketogenic diet (KGD). has been reported to effectively improve seizure control in patients with severe intractable epilepsy and should be considered for patients who do not have a more attractive therapeutic option. In theory, it improves seizure control and generally correlates with improved quality of life, and should result in decreased health care utilization and consequently decreased cost of care. This study was undertaken to assess the economic benefits associated with successful therapeutic intervention with the KGD.
This is a retrospective study aimed at comparing the costs of health care prior to and following successful initiation of treatment of medically intractable epilepsy with the KGD. Costs of all inpatient and outpatient care for the six months prior to introduction of KGD were compared with costs during the six month period after introduction including hospitalization for initiation.
Seven patients were identified who had been treated with the Ketogenic diet for a minimum period of twelve months who received the majority of their health care in the Marshfield Clinic system. Five patients reside within the Marshfield Epilepdemiologic Study Area (MESA), an epilepdemiologic catchment area consisting of approximately 55,000 people in 14 contiguous central Wisconsin zip codes, wherein Marshfield Clinic databases capture 94% of hospital discharges, 92% of medical outpatients visits, and 100% of deaths. Two patients reside in the Michigan upper peninsula. Marshfield Clinic billing system database queries demonstrated a reduction of several thousand dollars in billing for the six months following introduction of the diet compared with the pre-treatment period in all patients. The cost reduction appeared to be predominantly due to reduced emergency room visits and intensive care unit admissions for treatment of status epilepticus.
DeStefano F., Eaker, E.D., Broste, S.K., Edall. Epidemiologic Research in an Integrated Regional Medical Care System; The Marshfield Epidemiologic Study Area. [italic]J. CLIN EPIDEMIOL 1996:49,643-52.[/italic]
Successful use of the Ketogenic diet was associated with a significant reduction in the cost of health care. The reduction was predominately related to reduced emergency room visits and intensive care unit admissions for status epilepticus, suggesting an improved quality of life in addition to cost reduction.