
Phenytoin Induced off Target Potassium Channel Blockade and Prolonged Cardiac Repolarization (QTc) in a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome Type 2

Abstract number : 1.276
Submission category : 7. Anti-seizure Medications / 7A. Animal Studies
Year : 2022
Submission ID : 2204190
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/3/2022 12:00:00 PM
Published date : Nov 22, 2022, 05:23 AM

Authors :
Halleluyah Adebiyi, MS – SUNY Upstate Medical University; Kyle Wagner, BS – Lab Manager, Pharmacology, SUNY Upstate Medical University; Michael Kimmich, BS – Student, Pharmacology, SUNY Upstate Medical University; Jackson Jost, BS – Syracuse University; SUNY Upstate Medical University; David Auerbach, PhD – Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Pharmacology, SUNY Upstate Medical University

This abstract is a recipient of the Young Investigator Award
This abstract has been invited to present during the Broadening Representation Inclusion and Diversity by Growing Equity (BRIDGE) poster session

Rationale: Long QT syndrome type-2 (LQT2) patients are at a high risk of cardiac arrhythmias and seizures. LQT2 is due to mutations in Kcnh2, which encodes the rapid delayed rectifier potassium current (IKr), a major repolarizing current in cardiac myocytes and is very susceptible to off-target drug-induced blockade. While FDA-approved antiseizure medications (ASMs) are largely safe for the general population, we showed that LQT2 patients are at an increased risk of arrhythmias when on vs. off ASMs, particularly sodium channel (Na+) blocking ASMs (e.g., phenytoin). Using our new CRISPR-Cas9 generated LQT2 rabbit model (Kcnh2(+/mut)), we aim to uncover the electrophysiological mechanisms for ASM-mediated ECG changes and arrhythmias. We hypothesize that the Na+ channel blocking ASM, phenytoin, also exerts off-target IKr blockade, which leads to prolongation of the cardiac electrical activation-recovery interval (QTduration)._x000D_
Methods: First, we conducted single-cell voltage-clamp electrophysiology studies using HEK293 cells stably expressing WT Kcnh2 to determine the effects of a therapeutic dose (80µM) of phenytoin on IKr density and biophysical properties, compared to vehicle (DMSO.) Next, we evaluated the in vivo effects of therapeutic phenytoin (serum 15-25 µg/mL), through video/EEG/ECG recordings, in WT vs. Kcnh2(+/mut) rabbits. The drug trial consisted of an oral vehicle/phenytoin crossover drug study (5 days on drug/vehicle, 7-days washout, 5-days on drug/vehicle, vehicle was carrot.)  The outcome measures were the difference in each ECG measure when on phenytoin vs. vehicle ([drug-vehicle] / vehicle).

Results: Phenytoin led to a reduction in IKr activation density (phenytoin 37%, n=11 vs. DMSO 8%, n=8, p=0.002) and IKr tail density (phenytoin 43% vs. DMSO 28%, p=0.052.) In vivo crossover drug studies suggested that phenytoin caused a larger increase in the QTc, PR, QRS, and heart rate in the Kcnh2(+/mut) (n=6) vs. WT (n=3) rabbits._x000D_
Conclusions: Preliminary results indicate therapeutic doses of phenytoin cause off-target IKr  blockade and more pronounced ECG changes in Kcnh2(+/mut) vs. WT rabbits. Future studies will determine the phenytoin dose-dependence of IKr blockade, action potential changes, and alterations in ECG measures in WT vs. Kcnh2(+/mut) rabbits. Findings will help improve risk stratification of arrhythmias for patients taking Na+ channel-blocking ASMs. _x000D_
Funding: AHA-CDA (18CDA34110270, PI: D.S. Auerbach), SUNY Upstate Medical University Start-up and Pilot Grant Funds
Anti-seizure Medications