

Abstract number : 1.077
Submission category : 4. Clinical Epilepsy
Year : 2008
Submission ID : 9040
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/5/2008 12:00:00 AM
Published date : Dec 4, 2008, 06:00 AM

Authors :
Eylert Brodtkorb, I. Bakken and O. Sjaastad

Rationale: Studies on the comorbidity of migraine and epilepsy have shown conflicting results. We wanted to explore the epidemiological association between migraine and seizure disorders in a population-based material where case ascertainment was enhanced by individual specialist assessments. Methods: Information concerning seizure disorders and migraine was collected from 1793 participants in an interview-based survey. Mixed headache with features both of migraine without aura and tension-type headache was excluded from the analyses due to its ambiguous character (n=137). Thus, data from 1656 participants were included in the study. Results: The number of subjects with epilepsy was small and a statistically significant association between migraine and the diagnosis of epilepsy was not found. There was a tendency to more active epilepsy in subjects with migraine (1.0%, 5/524) compared to subjects without migraine (0.5%, 6/1132). Migraine was present in 5 of 11 subjects with active epilepsy (45%) and in 4 of 28 (14%) with epilepsy in remission (p=0.09). Conclusions: This study supports previous findings of an overall weak genetic link between migraine and the diagnosis of epilepsy. The association between migraine and active seizures appears to be stronger.
Clinical Epilepsy