Visual Field Defects Associated with Vigabatrin Therapy: Prevalence, Characteristics and Follow-Up
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Presentation date :
12/2/2000 12:00:00 AM
Published date :
Dec 1, 2000, 06:00 AM
Authors :
Mauri Ja Llerda, Santos S Lasaosa, Tejero C Juste, Escalza I Cortina, Iniguez C Martinez, Morales F Asin, Univ Clin Hosp, Zaragoza, Spain.
RATIONALE:Vigabatrin VGB is an effective antiepileptic drug that selectively increases brain and retinal gamma-amynobutiric acid. Recently have been reported patients who developed constricted visual fields during VGB treatment.The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence, characteristics and follow-up of visual disturbances in a series of ten patients in treatmente with VGB. METHODS: Ten patients in chronic treatment with VGB underwent visual field examination. Visual evoked potentials and electrorretinogram ERG were made in eight patients ( 80% ). we report six patients who showed visual field constriction. In all cases we discontinued treatment with VGB RESULTS: Patients with visual field constriction are showed in Table 1. Visual field examination six months later after VGB therapy discontinuation showed no changes in three patients ( cases 1,3 and 4 ) CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that prevalence of visual disturbances in patients in treatment with VGB are frequent ( 60% ), usually asymptomaless and no reversible after discontinuation of treatment.