PI-CME Activities

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AES will be launching a brand new AES Learn experience on Monday, February 3. This update provides learners with a better user experience—you will be able to more easily search and filter AES Learn activities and track your progress. To prepare for the upgrade, all AES Learn products and activities will be unavailable between Wednesday, January 22, and Monday, February 3. We recommend completing in-progress activities prior to January 22, as any progress on partially-complete webinars, eModules, Fellowship Curriculum activities, and EMU Caring activities as of January 22 will be lost and users will need to start the activity over after February 3.

AES offers performance improvement (PI-CME) activities through which you can earn 20 valuable CME credits. These are self-directed, online activities designed to help evaluate the delivery of care in a clinical setting.

The American Epilepsy Society is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Each activity is comprised of three stages:

  • Stage A. Perform chart reviews, evaluate and reflect on the results of the chart audit, and identify areas for improvement
  • Stage B. Based on results of Stage A, develop and implement a plan to optimize the delivery of patient care
  • Stage C. Evaluate the impact of your plan and perform a second chart review for patients seen after plan implementation



AES Members$99

Family Planning for People with Epilepsy with Childbearing Potential (PWECP) Performance Improvement Project

$99 for AES members | $199 for non-members

Enduring material, earn 20.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, ABPN-approved for Continuing Certification

This is a web-based activity designed to help you evaluate your current clinical care for pre-conception counseling and pregnancy planning for people with epilepsy of childbearing potential. The focus for this performance improvement project is to increase the percentage of patients with epilepsy of childbearing potential that are seen in the clinic who receive pre-pregnancy counseling. Pre-pregnancy counseling includes the discussion of the interaction of anti-seizure medications and contraception, teratogenicity of anti-seizure medications, and optimizing folic acid use.

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To access your purchased PI-CME and PIP activities, click 'My eLearning' in the upper right-hand corner of the AES homepage after purchasing.


This PI-CME activity is available for purchase through September 30, 2027 and expires October 31, 2027.


In-Patient Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Performance Improvement: Ictal and Post-Ictal Awareness and Localization Testing in Focal Seizures (2024)

$99 for AES members | $199 for non-members

Enduring material, earn 20.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, ABPN-approved for Continuing Certification

Some essential information about seizures and characteristics of an individual's epilepsy can only be obtained in the moments during and after a seizure. Due to substantial variation in ictal and post-ictal examinations across and within epilepsy monitoring units, this information can often be missed or poorly documented. A standardized ictal and post-ictal examination protocol in the epilepsy monitoring unit allows providers to maximize the acquisition of information during admission. 

This performance improvement project will give clinicians the resources necessary to create and implement a standardized ictal and post-ictal examination protocol for focal seizures that includes all exam features required by NAEC accreditation criteria, provide training on appropriate seizure exam goals and techniques, and understand the utility of specific exam items in highlighting specific clinical information.

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To access your purchased PI-CME and PIP activities, click 'My eLearning' in the upper right-hand corner of the AES homepage after purchasing.


This PI-CME activity is available for purchase through November 30, 2026 and expires January 1, 2027.


Outpatient Clinic: Screening for Quality of Life in Patients with Epilepsy (2023)

$99 for AES members | $199 for non-members

Enduring material, earn 20.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, ABPN-approved for Continuing Certification

Epilepsy can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life due to physical, social, and psychological consequences. Quality of life is partly dependent on seizure frequency, but is also impacted by other factors, such as overall health status, intellectual and physical functioning, side effects from antiseizure medications, and social factors like employment and marital status.

Screening for quality of life should occur at every outpatient appointment. This performance improvement activity details why screening for quality of life is important, helps learners increase knowledge on validated quality of life screening tools available for the epilepsy patient population, and assists the learner in creating interventions to improve baseline of screening using quality improvement methodologies.

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To access your purchased PI-CME activities, click 'My eLearning' in the upper right-hand corner of the AES homepage after purchasing.


This PI-CME activity is available for purchase through May 14, 2026 and expires June 15, 2027.

ACCME Accredited with Commendation