Membership Category | Who? | Where? | Are professionals with MD, MBBS, BMBS, or DO degrees eligible? | Annual Dues
| Does this type receive Epilepsia? |
ACTIVE | Physicians, healthcare providers, scientists | US, Canada, or Mexico | Yes | $285 | Yes |
PROFESSIONAL | Healthcare providers and scientists in epilepsy or related fields | US, Canada, or Mexico | No | $130 | No |
INTERNATIONAL | Epilepsy professionals outside the US, Canada, or Mexico. | Outside the US, Canada, and Mexico | Yes | $165 | Can add Epilepsia subscription for $82 |
ADVOCATE | Employees of non-profit, non-governmental organizations that support the AES mission and vision | Anywhere | No | $95 | No |
ASSOCIATE | Employees of for-profit companies that market, sell, and/or develop epilepsy-related products or services | Anywhere | Yes | $285 | Yes |
TRAINEE | Individuals in an education or training program in epilepsy or a related field. Trainees are required to verify their trainee status during the member join process. | Anywhere | Yes | $75 | Can add Epilepsia subscription for $75 |