
Levetiracetam-A Single Center Experience

Abstract number : 2.247
Submission category :
Year : 2001
Submission ID : 3090
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/1/2001 12:00:00 AM
Published date : Dec 1, 2001, 06:00 AM

Authors :
U. Isik, MD, Neurology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; R.S. Greenwod, MD, Neurology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; M.B. Tennison, MD, Neurology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; L.H. Boyce, MD, Neurology, Uni

RATIONALE: Levetiracetam is indicated for partial seizures with or without secondary generelization.There is very little information about the use in children and adolescents.We aimed to assess the safety, efficacy and tolerability of this drug in our clinical practice.
METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of child neurology patients started on Levetiracetam over the past year.
RESULTS: The total number of the patients was 58, 37 male and 21 female with an age range of 2-32 years.28 patients had complex partial seizures (CPS)/generelized tonic clonic seizures (GTCS), 18 patients had generelized non-convulsive seizures (GNCS) /GTCS and 12 patients had the mixed type.16 out of 58 patients were excluded from the review because follow-up data was not available on 12 patients as they have taken levetiracetam for less than 2 months to date and 4 patients failed follow-up visits.On 42 patients data was reviewed for efficacy, tolerability and dose range by age.There was no significant change in seizure activity in 17 (40%) patients ( 6 CPS/GTCS, 3 GNCS/GTCS, 8 mixed type).Seizures were reduced by [lt] 50% in 8 (20%) patients and by [gt]50% in 17 (40%) patients (8 CPS/GTCS,5 GNCS/GTCS, 4 mixed type).The total number of patients discontinuing the medicine was 11 (26%), 1 due to rash (2%),2 due to behavioral problems (5%), 8 due to lack of efficacy (19%).The most common dose range in less than 5 year-olds was 20-60 mg/kg/day, in 6-10 year-olds 500-1500 mg/day, 11-20 year-olds 1500-3000 mg/day.Maximum adult dose in this series was 4000 mg/day.Maximum duration of use was 1 year.
CONCLUSIONS: Levetiracetam is safe and effective in our experience in a variety of seizure types.It is well tolerated in children and adults with a low incidence of side effects.