AES Clinical Corner

Clinical Corner features short-format video updates from experts on timely and important news and alerts in epilepsy.

Clinical Corner

AES Clinical Corner | Psychedelics and Epilepsy: Potentials and Pitfalls

Psychedelics are gaining increasing attention in the medical field, but what role might they play in epilepsy? This Clinical Corner video explores the current evidence on psychedelics in epilepsy, highlighting both potential benefits and risks. Experts discuss their possible therapeutic applications for comorbidities while also examining the complexities of drug-drug interactions with antiseizure medications and psychotropic drugs in people with epilepsy. Additionally, the video explores absolute contraindications and safety concerns, providing a balanced perspective on the potentials and pitfalls of psychedelics for individuals with epilepsy.

Panelists: Barry E. Gidal, PharmD, FAES; W. Curt LaFrance Jr, MD, MPH; Cody Wenthur PharmD, PhD

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Clinical Corner | Antiseizure Medications in Pregnancy: What You Can Do to Optimize Outcomes

This Clinical Corner features a discussion with the lead and senior authors of the 2024 update to the clinical practice guidelines on antiseizure medications (ASMs) for individuals with epilepsy and childbearing potential. The guidelines highlight preferred ASMs during pregnancy while emphasizing the importance of the pregnant individual's health.

Panelists: Barry E. Gidal, PharmD, FAES; Alison M. Pack, MD, MPH, FAES; and Mark Keezer, MD, PhD, FAES.




AES Clinical Corner | No Need to Choose Between Seizure Treatment and HIV Prevention: Keep a Few Things in Mind

This clinical corner provides an update on the care of people with epilepsy and who are at risk for HIV infection. Previously, the treatments for HIV interacted strongly with older antiseizure medications (ASMs), so clinicians had to choose between treating HIV and seizures. With the current ASMs and HIV treatments, you can treat both effectively! In particular, the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) regimens for HIV and their interaction with ASMs are highlighted.

Panelists: Barry E. Gidal, PharmD, FAES; Wesley T. Kerr, MD, PhD; Sean N. Avedissian, PharmD; and Cara McAnaney, MD, AAHIVS




AES Clinical Corner | Pregnancy and Epilepsy: What Do We Know Now and Where Are We Going?

This AES Clinical Corner video discusses the intricate intersection of pregnancy and epilepsy. Viewers will explore the current understanding of how epilepsy affects pregnancy, including potential risks and management strategies. Speakers discuss the evolving understanding of epilepsy medications and their impact on pregnancy outcomes, empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions and optimize maternal-fetal health.

Panelists: Barry E. Gidal, PharmD, FAES; and Page B. Pennell, MD, FAES




AES Clinical Corner | Revisiting Generic Medication in Epilepsy: A Dialogue on the AES Revised Position Statement and ILAE Initiatives

This AES Clinical Corner discusses the revised AES position statement on generic substitutions of epilepsy medications, recent domestic and international publications, and the possible implications on access to treatment. 

Panelists: Barry Gidal, PharmD, FAES; Timothy Welty, PharmD, FCCP, FAES; and John M. Stern, MD, MA, FAES





AES Clinical Corner: 2022 FDA Alert Review

This AES Clinical Corner video reviews three important FDA alerts from 2022: ganaxolone, fenfluramine, and midazolam. Barry Gidal, PharmD, FAES, and John Stern, MD, FAES, discuss the developments relevant to these medications and important considerations for clinicians. FDA alerts, links to prescribing information, and other important details can be found on the AES' FDA News and Alerts webpage.

Panelists: Barry Gidal, PharmD, FAES; and John Stern, MD, FAES



Click here to view the Drug News and FDA Alerts webpage.


AES Clinical Corner: Ganaxolone (Ztalmy®)

This AES Clinical Corner video focuses on Ganaxolone (Ztalmy®), a medication approved by the FDA on March 18, 2022, for the treatment of seizures associated with cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) deficiency disorder (CDD) in patients two years of age and older.

Elia Pestana Knight, MD, the lead author of a Lancet Neurology study supporting the FDA approval and member of the AES Treatments Committee; Barry Gidal, PharmD, FAES; and John Stern, MD, FAES, discuss study details and considerations for clinicians. Dosage and administration information for ganaxolone oral suspension and other important details can be found in the FDA Prescribing Information.

Panelists: Elia Pestana Knight, MD; Barry Gidal, PharmD, FAES; and John Stern, MD, FAES



Click here to view the Drug News and FDA Alerts webpage.



AES Clinical Corner: Paxlovid

On December 22, 2021, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization for Paxlovid™, a new COVID-19 oral antiviral medication. In addition to a summary of the key information from the FDA and other sources about related drug interactions and important considerations for providers with patients on antiseizure medications, the AES Treatments Committee discussed the issues in this convenient fifteen-minute AES Clinical Corner video.

Panelists: Barry Gidal, PharmD, FAES; Jon Cokley, PharmD; and David Vossler, MD, FAES


Click here for more information on Paxlovid™ and considerations for providers with patients on ASMs.