
Status Epilepticus-Induced Epileptogenesis in Developing Rats.

Abstract number : 2.025
Submission category :
Year : 2001
Submission ID : 2326
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/1/2001 12:00:00 AM
Published date : Dec 1, 2001, 06:00 AM

Authors :
H. Kubov[aacute], Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic; R. Druga, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic; L. Suchomelov[aacute], Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Repu

RATIONALE: To describe acute and chronic consequences of status epilepticus (SE) in 12-day-old (P12) rats.
METHODS: Acute morphological and behavioral changes were studied 24 h and 1 w after LiCl/pilocarpine-induced SE using Fluoro JadeB- and silver-staining and battery of age-matched behavioral tests. Separate group of rats with semichronically implanted electrodes was used for 6 h EEG recording 1 w after SE. Presence of epileptic seizures was detected by video/EEG monitoring 3 mo after SE and behavior in open field and elevated plus maze were tested in parallel. At the end of experiment, brains were checked for morphological damage.
RESULTS: Degenerating neurons were detected in several thalamic and amygdalar regions, 24 h as well as 1w after SE. The ictal activity restricted to the hippocampus appeared in 20% of animals and 70% of rats exhibited frequent interictal activity. In contrast, no behavioral changes were found. Three months after SE, 40% of animals exhibited EEG ictal activity. Frequent interictal spikes were found in all experimental rats; animals exhibited changes in both behavioral tests. However, neither significant neuronal loss nor signs of continual neuronal degeneration were detected.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrated presence of neuronal degeneration in acute phase of SE. SE led to development of EEG seizures accompanied by a significant worsening of brain function at later stages of development.
Support: Supported by Grant No.309/00/1643 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic