
Temporal Lobe Resections for Epilepsy. Data from the Swedish National Epilepsy Surgery Register 1990-1995.

Abstract number : 2.199
Submission category :
Year : 2000
Submission ID : 2794
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/2/2000 12:00:00 AM
Published date : Dec 1, 2000, 06:00 AM

Authors :
Kristina Malmgren, Bertil Rydenhag, Institute of Clin Neuroscience, Gothenburg, Sweden.

RATIONALE: To report the complete national series of temporal lobe resections in Sweden by use of the Swedish national epilepsy surgery register. METHODS: Epilepsy surgery in Sweden is performed at six surgical centres and data on all procedures are collected in a national register. This study includes 201 temporal lobe resections performed September 1990 to 1995, and with two year follow up data available. RESULTS: Parenchymatous resections were performed in 132 patients, 56 patients had parenchyma and a lesion resected and 15 patients had lesionectomies only (lesions in the temporal lobe). At two year follow-up 61 % were seizure free and another 16 % had > 75 % reduction of seizure frequency. The temporal lesionectomies had best outcome - 86 % became seizure free. Of 56 patients with a lesion and surrounding parenchyma resection, 73 % obtained seizure freedom and another 11 % had > 75 % reduction of seizure frequency. The patients undergoing only parenchymatous resections became seizure free in 53 % and another 20 % had > 75 % reduction of seizure frequency. Of nine reoperated patients 39 % became seizure free, and another 17 % had > 75 % reduction of seizure frequency. The major complication rate was 2.7 %. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the Swedish national epilepsy surgery register enables follow up and quality control on a national basis despite the fact that surgery is performed at six centres. The results show that 77% of the patients obtained seizure freedom or > 75 % reduction of seizure frequency. Results and complication rates are at the same level as other population based series for single centres.