Established Investigator Grant Awardees

AES is proud to support established investigators working in basic, translational, and clinical research for epilepsy, seizures, and related disorders.


AES offers funding annual for basic, translational, and clinical research for epilepsy, seizures, and related disorders.

We currently offer three funding mechanisms to support established investigators:

  • AES Infrastructure Grants provide up to $50,000 to facilitate the creation of national or international multicenter research programs
  • AES Research and Training Workshop Grants support scientific conferences and workshops that address timely and important topics in epilepsy research
  • AES Seed Grants offer “seed” funds to help enable established investigators pursue new and innovative directions in their labs


Congratulations to our most recent awardees!

Infrastructure Grant Recipients

Birgit Frauscher, MD
Multi-center Epilepsy Data Platform: Improving Outcomes by Deep Phenotyping
Duke University School of Medicine
Spring 2024
Collaborators: Prachi Parikh, MBBS; Christopher Skidmore, MD; Michael Sperling, MD; Gregory Worrell, MD, PhD; Jaysingh Singh, MD; Giridhar Kalamangalam, DPhil; James Castellano, MD, PhD; Alexandra Urban, MD; Stephan Schuele, MD; John Thomas, PhD
Claude Steriade, MD
Microbiome as a central mechanism of NORSE: from animal models to humans
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Spring 2024
Collaborators: Deepak Saxena, PhD, DBM; Aurelie Hanin, PhD, PharmD; Teresa Ravizza, PhD; Annamaria Vezzani, PhD

AES Seed Grants

Priti Balchandani, PhD
Human Brain MR Elastography and Spectroscopy to localize epilepsy at 7T
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Spring 2024
Collaborator: Mehmet Kurt, PhD
Orrin Devinsky, MD
Febrile Seizures and Sleep Video Registry
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Spring 2024
Collaborator: Laura Gould, MSc
Vivek Buch, MD
A new method of high-density thalamic bioelectrical sensing and stimulation
Stanford Neurosciences Health Center
Fall 2024
Collaborators: Zhenan Bao, PhD and Karl Deisseroth, MD, PhD
Melissa Barker-Haliski, PhD
Investigational ASOs for Disease Modification and Seizure Control in DRPLA
University of Washington
Fall 2024
Collaborators: Jeffery Carroll, PhD and Joanna Korecka-Roet, PhD

Research and Training Workshop Grants

Sara Lariviere, PhD, MSc
Travel award program for Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Worldwide’s special seminar series
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc.
Spring 2024
Collaborators: Victoria Morgan, PhD, FAES; and Boris Bernhardt, PhD
Alice Lam, MD
Defining the Landscape of Late-Onset Unexplained Epilepsy
Massachusetts General Hospital
Fall 2024
Co-Investigator Brandon Westover, MD, PhD
Mark Beenhakker, PhD
Distinct circuit mechanisms in the epilepsies
University of Virginia
Fall 2024




The American Epilepsy Society would like to thank Renee Shellhaas, MD, PhD; and Jenny Hsieh, PhD, co-chairs of the AES Research and Training Council and the Research and Training Council for their continued efforts in advancing research in epilepsy.  

AES would also like to thank The Cute Syndrome Foundation for joining us to support the future of epilepsy research.



Past Awardees

2023 Awardees arrow_drop_down


Spring 2023 Research and Training Workshop Grants

Cameron Metcalf, PhD 
Collaborators: Carolina Moncion, PhD; and Karen Wilcox, PhD 
University of Utah 

Park City Epilepsy Meeting: Cutting Edge Approaches to Transform Epilepsy Therapy 
Lauren Harte-Hargrove, PhD 
Collaborators: Elisa Zanier, MD; Alexander V. Ulyanova, PhD; Federico Moro, PhD; and Laura Lubbers, PhD 

CURE Epilepsy 


Fall 2023 Research and Training Workshop Grants

Jane Zeender, MBA
Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium Annual May Meeting
Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium
Fall 2023


Vijayalakshmi Santhakumar, PhD
Gordon Research Conference on Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization
The Regents of the University of California, Riverside
Fall 2023

Collaborator: Helen Scharfman, PhD

Christos Lisgaras, PhD
3rd International Workshop on High Frequency Oscillations in Epilepsy
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. at Nathan Kline Institute
Fall 2023
Collaborators: Jean Gotman, PhD; Maeike Zijlmans, PhD; Birgit Frauscher, MD, FAES; Richard Staba, PhD; Julia Jacobs-LeVan, MD, FAES; Philippe Kahane, MD, PhD


Spring 2023 Seed Grants

Roadmap from Preclinical Models to Interventional Trials for Post-Traumatic Epilepsy
Chris Dulla, PhD 
Collaborators: Madeleine Oudin, PhD and Christopher Burge, PhD 
Tufts University 
Validating a new mouse model of SCN8A infantile spasms and epilepsy 
Co-funded by The Cute Syndrome Foundation 

Virginia Lee, PhD 
Collaborators: Delia Talos, MD and William Rodemer, PhD 
University of Pennsylvania 
Perelman School of Medicine 

Seizures in a dox-regulatable mouse model of ALS and FTLD. 


Fall 2023 Seed Grants

Karen Wilcox, PhD
Natural Products from Cameroon as Novel Therapeutics for Epilepsy
The University of Utah
Fall 2023
Collaborator: Gwladys Ngoupaye, PhD

Spring 2023 Infrastructure Grants

Leigh Sepeta, PhD 
Children's Research Institute (CNMC) 
Infrastructure for Pediatric Neuroimaging Consortium 
Collaborators: Madison Berl, PhD; Kartik Reddy, MD; Dan Drane, PhD; Ammar Kheder, MD, MRCP; Hannah Goldstein, MD; and Jeffrey Ojemann, MD 

Robyn Busch, PhD 
Cleveland Clinic Foundation 
IC-CoDE Neuropsychological Data Harmonization and Discovery in Epilepsy 
Collaborators: Carrie McDonald, PhD, ABPP-CN; Sara Swanson, PhD; Dennis Lal, PhD; Kayela Arrotta, PhD; Anny Reyes, PhD; and Julie Janecek, PhD 


2022 Awardees arrow_drop_down

2022 Research and Training Workshop Grants

The Role of Inhibition in the Central Nervous System
Gordon Research Conferences

Paula Voinescu, MD, PhD
Collaborators: Caryn Dutton, MD; Trudy Pang, MD; Regan Lemley, MD, MS; and Abrar Al-Faraj, MD
Challenges of Contraception in Women with Epilepsy
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Chris Dulla, PhD and Jeffrey Noebels, MD, PhD, FAES
2022 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization
Gordon Research Conferences

Samba Reddy, PhD, RPh, FAES
National Workshop on Experimental Models of Post-Traumatic Epilepsy for Junior Investigators
Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center

Michelle Lewis, MA
FamilieSCN2A Summer Seminar
The FamilieSCN2A Foundation

Julia Jacobs-Levan, MD, FAES
5th International Symposium on Hypothalamic Hamartoma: Hypothalamic Hamartoma - A Lifelong Syndrome
Hope for Hypothalamic 


2022 AES Seed Grants

Jeanne Paz, PhD
Identification of seizure phenotypes in mouse models of FoxG1 Syndrome
The J. David Gladstone Institutes
Collaborator: Soo-Kyung Lee, PhD (University of Buffalo)

Kathleen Millen, PhD
New tool for MTOR-related epilepsy mechanistic studies
Seattle Children's Hospital

Susanne Mueller, MD
Layer-specific mapping of epileptogenic network at 7T
University of California, San Francisco
Collaborators: Kenneth Laxer, MD; and An Vu, PhD

Jon Willie, MD, PhD
Novel biomarkers to improve centromedian nucleus of thalamus stimulation
Washington University
Collaborators: Peter Brunner, PhD; Katie Bullinger, MD, PhD; Thomas Foutz, MD, PhD; Robert Gross, MD, PhD; and Svjetlana Miocinovic, MD, PhD

2021 Awardees arrow_drop_down

Fall 2021 Research and Training Workshop Grants

Chris Dulla, PhD, and Jeffrey Noebels, MD, PhD, FAES
2022 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization
Gordon Research Conferences

Maxime Baud, MD, PhD
ICTALS: International Conference on Technology and Analysis of Seizures
University Hospital Bern, Inselspital


Fall 2021 AES Seed Grant

Yong Kim, PhD
A novel mouse model for the study of depression and epilepsy comorbidity
Rutgers University
Collaborators: Detlev Boison, PhD


2021 AES/Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas Seed Grant

Catherine Christian-Hinman, PhD
Developing a mouse model of hypothalamic hamartoma
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Collaborators: Erin Heinzen, PharmD, PhD
Funded at 50% by Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas


Spring 2021 Research and Training Workshop Grant

Fawad Khan, MD
The International Center for Epilepsy at Ochsner
Management of Refractory and Super Refractory Status Epilepticus for Neurologists and Intensivists


Spring 2021 AES Seed Grant

Daniel McCloskey, PhD
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Biomarkers of Transient Seizure Resistance in the Naked Mole-Rat

Spring 2021 Infrastructure Grant

Vineet Punia, MD
Cleveland Clinic
Post-Acute Symptomatic Seizure Investigation and Outcomes Network (PASSION)
Collaborators: Adithya Sivaraju, MBBS MHA, Clio Rubinos, MD, Monica Dhakar, MBBS, Sahar Zafar, MBBS

2020 Awardees arrow_drop_down

Spring 2020 Infrastructure Grant

Awardee: Shalini Narayana, PhD
Institution: University of Tennessee Health and Science Center
Title: Consortium for Standardizing TMS Language Mapping Protocols and Establishing Best Practice Guidelines for Using TMS in Presurgical Evaluation of Language in Children
Co-PIs: Alexander Rotenberg, MD, PhD (Boston Children’s Hospital) and Hanssel Greiner, MD (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital)
Co-Investigators: James Wheless, MD (UTHSC) and Tamekia Jones, PhD (UTHSC)


Spring 2020 AES/SLC6A1 Connect Seed Grant

Stephan Sanders, PhD
University of California at San Francisco
Functional characterization of missense variants in SLC6A1
Collaborator: Kathleen Giacomini, PhD (UCSF)
Jointly funded by AES and SLC6A1 Connect


Spring 2020 AES/NORSE Institute Seed Grants

Nathalie Jette, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Developing the Methodological Foundation for NORSE Surveillance in the U.S.
Co-PIs: Leah Blank and Anusha Yeshokumar
Collaborators: Parul Agarwal
Funded by AES with partial support from the NORSE Institute 

Sookyong Koh, MD, PhD
Emory University
A Novel Murine Model of Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES)
Collaborators: Russell Sanchez, PhD (Emory University)
Funded by the NORSE Institute; Administered by AES

Olga Taraschenko, MD, PhD
Collaborators: Xiaowei Li, PhD, and Jingwei Xie, PhD (UNMC)
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Development of Anakinra-Loaded Nanoparticles to Treat NORSE
Funded by the NORSE Institute; Administered by AES


Spring 2020 AES Seed Grants

Sarah Lippe, PhD
CHU Sainte-Justine
Prenatal epigenetic pathways affecting post-natal seizure onset
Collaborators: William Fraser, Philippe Major, Catherine Herbal, Cathy Vaillancourt, Sophie Parent, Sonia Lupien, and Kieran O’Donnell

Jamie Maguire, PhD
Tufts University
Investigating seizure-induced HPA axis dysfunction in SUDEP
Collaborators: Carie Boychuk, PhD (UTHSCA)

Aristea Galanopoulou, MD, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Exploring early life epilepsy in a model of Alexander disease
Collaborators: Tracy Hagemann, PhD, and Albee Messing, VMD, PhD (University of Wisconsin, Madison)


Fall 2020 Research and Training Workshop Grants

Erin Wederbrook Yuskaitis, MA
Arts in Medicine Educational Series (AiMES)
Longwood Symphony Orchestra

Marlene Bartos, PhD
Inhibition in the Central Nervous System
Gordon Research Conference / Gordon Research Seminar
*Conference canceled

Fall 2020 AES/NORSE Institute Seed Grant

Annamaria Vezzani, PhD
Istituto di ricerche farmacologiche Mario Negri
In vitro model of FIRES for rapid selection of clinically effective drugs
Collaborators: Milica Cerovic
Funded in full by the NORSE Institute 


Fall 2020 AES Seed Grants

Cornelia Drees, MD
University of Colorado Denver
Neuropalliative care for persons with drug-resistant epilepsy
Collaborators: Christina Vaughan, MD, and Alison Hixon, PhD

Marc Lussier, PhD
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Investigating RNF13 variants in epileptic encephalopathy
Collaborators: Bruce Herring, PhD

Aria Fallah, MD, MSc
University of California, Los Angeles
The Biodistribution of 18F-Clofarabine in Patients with Brain Inflammation
Collaborators: Benjamin Ellingson, Harry V. Vinters, Johannes Czernin, Andrew Quon

2019 Awardees arrow_drop_down

2019 AES Seed Grants

Scott Baraban, PhD and collaborator Peter Crino, MD, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
“A STRADA Zebrafish Model”

Gerald Grant, MD, Allen Waziri, MD; Ronald Emerson, MD; and Brenda Porter, MD, PhD
Stanford University
"Electrophysiologic Signatures of Cortical and White Matter Stimulation"

Nicholas Poolos, MD, PhD and Jing Zhang, MD, PhD
University of Washington
"Mass spectrometry of human tau to discover novel epilepsy biomarkers"


2019 AES/Partner Seed Grants

AES/TCSF Seed Grant
Michael Hammer, PhD and Fei Yin, PhD
University of Arizona
"Testing the role of early mitochondrial dysfunction in SCN8A epilepsy"
Supported by AES and The Cute Syndrome Foundation

AES/TCSF/SLC6A1 Connect Seed Grant
Benjamin Prosser, PhD; Ingo Helbig, MD; and Beverly Davidson, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
"Targeting micro-RNAs to treat genetic epilepsies"
Supported by AES, The Cute Syndrome Foundation, and SLC6A1 Connect


2019 Research and Training Workshop Grants

Aristea Galanopoulou, MD, PhD and Michele Simonato, MD
18th San Servolo Advanced Epilepsy Course
Bridging Basic with Clinical Epileptology (7) - Accelerating translation in epilepsy research

Severn Churn, PhD; Claudia Robertson, MD, PhD; and Aristea Galanopoulou, MD, PhD
Baylor University for the NINDS Workshop
Post-Traumatic Epilepsy: Models, CDEs, and Optimization

Kimberly Nye
Tess Research Foundation
4th International SLC13A5 Deficiency Research Roundtable 2020

Chris Dulla, PhD and Jeff Noebels, MD, PhD
Gordon Research Conference and Seminar
Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neural Synchronization
2 awards total, one each in the spring and fall of 2019

Marc Goodfellow, PhD
University of Exeter
International Conference for Technology and Analysis of Seizures (ICTALS 2019)

Michelle Lewis, Raphael Bernier, PhD; Micah Pepper, MPH; and Leah Schust
FamilieSCN2A Foundation President
FamilieSCN2A Family and Professional Conference

Ilene Miller and William Gaillard, MD
Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas
4th International Symposium on Hypothalamic Hamartomas

Karen Wilcox, PhD
University of Utah
Park City Epilepsy Meeting

2018 Awardees arrow_drop_down

2018 AES Seed Grants

Andrew Escayg, PhD and Steven Stice, PhD
Emory University
"Exploring Extracellular vesicles as a treatment for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy"

Xiuhua Bozarth, MD, PhD; Zhijun Duan, PhD; and Xinxian Deng, PhD
Seattle Children's Hospital, University of Washington
"Dissect a novel link between SMC1A and epilepsy using induced pluripotent stem cells from female patients carrying de novo SMC1A heterozygous mutations"

Peter Canoll, MD, PhD and Catherine Schevon, MD, PhD
Columbia University
"Fine-scale mapping of electrophysiological and cellular alterations in a mouse model of tumor-associated epilepsy"


2018 AES Research and Training Workshop Grants

Antonio Delgado-Escueta, MD
University of California, Los Angeles
Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Workshops

Amanda Hernan, PhD and Tristan Shuman, PhD
Gordon Research Seminar
Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization

Kimberly Nye
TESS Research Foundation
SLC13A5 Deficiency Annual Research Roundtable 2018

Ivan Soltesz, PhD
Gordon Research Conference and Seminar
Inhibition in the CNS

Monika Jones
The Brain Recovery Project
Childhood Epilepsy